Tag Archives: #FibbingFriday

For Fibbing Friday, June 21, 2024

For Fibbing Friday, we were asked to define these terms:

  1.  Narcolepsy: A disease brought on by the excessive consumption of illegal drugs.

  2. Antediluvian: The state of a cucumber before it is subjected to the pickling process.

  3.  Serrefine: What a drunk covers his leftover food with before refrigerating it.

  4.  Guetapens: I like Scripto, Pilot or Uni Ball.

  5.  Promiscuous: Naughty behavior at a high school dance.

  6.  Tendentious:  The state of a dental patient before surgery.

  7.  Kismet: What one dinosaur said to another during foreplay.

  8.  Autochthonous: Having the natural ability to pronounce digraphs correctly.

  9.  Macerate: Describing food cut up for you by your mother.

  10. Gladiolus: The attribution of human emotions to flowers.

For Fibbing Friday. (Thanks, Forgottenman, for furnishing the link and the prod.) T-Rex Image by NBC News.

For Fibbing Friday, May 17, 2024

For Fibbing Friday the prompt questions are:

1. What did the fan say? Cool!

2. What really kicks off summer? Boot Camp.

3. Who rules the world? A Surveyor

4. What is the best thing to do to someone who snores? Get them their own room.

5. Who/what was your last unexpected house guest? Hurricane Sheila. Last house guest ever–expected or unexpected.

6. How does a blanket keep warm? It snuggles up to a warm body.

7. Why shouldn’t you snoop? Because ‘snot polite.

8. What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Nothing.

9. What do the gopher and mole do when they meet? Gopher supplies at the Mexican market and make molé.

10. What lurks in your backyard? Three dogs.

Bonus question
11. What is the best way to torture someone? Chuckle every time you see them.

Baby Talk for Fibbing Friday for May 3, 2024

This week’s theme from Pensitivity is Out of the Mouths of Babes. You might be familiar with them, but if you didn’t know what they were, what are your thoughts?

1. What is a Moo Moo?  A greeting by Farmer Brown’s stuttering cow MayBell.
2. What is a Bow Wow? Robin Hood’s performance at the archery competition
3. What is a Gee Gee? Colette’s 1944 Novel, spelled by a non-French person.
4. What is a Botty Cough? The result of AI getting a cold. (That is as in Artificial Intelligence, not Jolson)
5. What is a Chookie Egg? Part of an Australian breakfast.
6. What is a Choo Choo?  A meal in the dining car of a train.
7. What is a Tick Tock? The language of a blood-sucking arachnid.
8. What is a Paw Paw? Your father’s hand.
9. What is a Heffalump?  A cow udder.
10. What are Jammies? Minor collections of broken up ice in a river.

For Fibbing Friday, Mar 29, 2024

For Fibbing Friday this week’s probing questions are:

This week we have questions that just popped into my head for your perusal please.

1.   Why are Easter Eggs made of chocolate? Because no one ever ate the original ones the Easter Bunny brought that were made out of carrots.
2.   What is a fib? A small protective garment created especially for prevaricators to wear around their necks in spaghetti restaurants.
3.   Where will you find a cog? Exactly where you dropped it.
4.   What is a preface? Your countenance before plastic surgery.
5.   Can an elephant make a trunk call? Not when they have a cold.
6.   What is a trinket? Just a tiny little sip in Germany. “Instead of a regular-sized trink, I’d prefer just a trinket.”
7.   What is hearsay? The opposite of what they are saying over there.
8.   How many shades of grey are there? None. They took down all the old shades and replaced them with new turquoise venetian blinds.
9.   What is a bunion? A bread roll flavored with fresh scallions.
10. What is ylang ylang? It is the Ying Yang of someone with a new tongue stud.

Fibbin’ Friday, Jan 26, 2024


The challenge for Fibbing Friday this week is to interpret these words or phrases::

1. “A few sandwiches short of a picnic” What you get when you send a hungry kid to the deli to pick up your order for the party.

2. “Bagsy” My mysterious guest in my garden a few weeks ago.  (See him HERE.)

3. “Bog-standard”  My East Indian doctor, Dr. Adnatsgob’s  door sign, seen in a mirror.

4. “Budge up”  My dad’s advice to me when I asked him for a loan.  “Nope. No way. Better budge up instead!”

5. “Chinwag” My dog’s response to the smell of a bag of McDonald’s hamburgers.

6. “Faff” That sound a can of hair spray makes when it has just run out of spray.

7. “Full Monty”  Monty Python after the cast picnic when you haven’t sent a hungry kid to the deli to pick up your order for the party.

8. “Give me a tinkle on the blower”:  Donald Trump’s entreaty at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow.

9. “On it like a car bonnet”  What you answer, pointing to your head, when a friend asks you where the bird shit on you.

10. “Tickety-boo”  What your offense is called when a cop gives you a ticket for  sneaking up behind him and scaring him.

What are These??? For Fibbing Friday, Jan 5, 2024

Toecover: My attempt at remembering the word for socks now that I am at a certain advanced age.

Scurryfunge: A form of mildew found on rodents.

Dutch Feast: Edam and stoopwafel.

Iktsuarpok: An expression of revulsion over a walking companion who walks at a too- slow rate. (Icks! You are poke!!!  (As in slowpoke.) I admit, it is a stretch.  How about, Someone agreeing that people named Katy make good contortionists? (Aye, Katies, warp okay!! ) This is a redo because Derrick took occasion to my first answer. Must admit, I don’t blame him. This one is a real stretch!  Let’s blame it on Pensitivity.

Rakefire: When the boss terminated your employment for jilting his daughter

Hufflebuffs: An affectionate synonym  for bare bottoms

Quafftide: Skinny-dipping at high tide.

Kalopsia: An involuntary nap brought on by over-eating

Cover Slut: The Kardashians’ tongue-in-cheek endearing nicknames for each other

“Wonder”clout: Using one’s seniority to get to the head of the “bread”line at the homeless  shelter.

For  yet another Fibbing Friday. I can’t resist.

“Slang with a Bang” For Fibbing Friday. Last of the Year!! 2023

Auld slang syne this week: Your interpretations please!

1. Sling your hook: What the doctor said he was going to do to Mohammed Ali when he was taken to the emergency ward with a broken left arm after his last fight.
2. Here’s mud in your eye: What the female mud wrestler said to her opponent just before she trashed her eye makeup.
3. Bun in the oven: Describing Jennifer Lopez as she stuck her head into the oven to test the temperature.
4. Twinkle Toes: Anyone going barefoot in the Mardgras parade.
5. Moolah: Money spent on enlarging one’s cattle herd.
6. Brazillian: A new term above million and trillion that described Playtex’s total income.
7. Airhead: What they call the bathroom on a jet.
8. Goof off: The challenge is not punctuated correctly.  It is what Goofy said to Pluto when he was ready for him to abandon his lap. It should read,
               Goof: “Off!”   
9. Mickey Mouse: Request made by Cinderella, arriving home exhausted from the ball. Also a bit tipsy, thus her stutter as well as her need to request help in opening the door from one of her tiny rodent companions. “Mi-c-key, Mouse!”
10. Razz: Really good with Red Beans.

For Pensivity’s Fibbing Friday. Dec 29, 2023  Image by Lawrence Makoonah on Unsplash

Xmas Traditions Explained (For Fibbing Friday Dec 22, 2023)

                                                          Leave Santa alone, Kids. He’s exhausted!!

1. Ever wondered why they call them Christmas Carols? Because Bob was already associated with bobbing for apples on Halloween, Ted was busy spreading hay for the manger and Alice was busy looking at herself in the looking glass. ( Confused? See “Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice”)

2. Why do we put a fairy on top of the Christmas Tree? We didn’t. It just kept flying up there.

3. Are St Nicholas and Old Nick the Jekyll and Hyde of Christmas? No. Old Nick is just the natural result of St. Nick’s exposure to so much carbon chimney buildup and air travel over the centuries.

4. Why do we traditionally kiss under the mistletoe? The practice started because approximately 1/2 of the world’s population is actually allergic to mistletoe and the other 1/2 needs to give them artificial respiration therapy.

5. Why is it Christmas lights work when we put them away but don’t when we take them out the following year? Because you have to remember to unplug them before putting them away!!!!

6. Why are pigs in blankets so called? Because they are cold and this is a natural response to chillbains..

7. Should we have cream or custard on mince pies? Yes.

8. How did a Christmas Stocking originate? When Santa heard there was much mischief afoot during the year and decided he needed a method of bribery to put an end to it.

9. Do you like the idea of a white Christmas?  Well, yes. Much more than its actuality.

10. Have you been naughty or nice? Yes. You can guess which.

Red-faced.The Devil made me do it.

For Fibbing Friday

Fibbing Friday, Dec 9, 2023

1. What is Free Will?   Is when you marry a lawyer and he writes up who gets your stuff when you die.
2. What is persona non grata? Is every person except for Grata.
3. What is bog standard?  Is bog not special.
4. What is builders tea?  Is Orange Pekoe on week days and Rusty Nails on Friday night!!
5. What is a couch potato?  Is any potato served with Chicken Divan.
6. What is a finger in every pie?  Is cook clumsy with knife.
7. What is meant by nip in the bud?  Is sipping beer.
8. What is to pitch in? Wastebasket is to pitch in!!!
9. What is rule of thumb? Rule of thumb is that must accompany four fingers.
10. What is to steal someone’s thunder? Is to hold hands over ears of friend during rainstorm.


For Pensitivity’s Fibbing Friday

Time for More Lies!

1. What is Allium Sepa (Cepa)? What the head of the sperm bank said to his main donor as they walked past a wall of last year’s crop of babies when the donor asked him which of them were his progeny.
2. What is Arran Pilot? A person from Isfahan who flies a plane.
3. What is a love apple? A swelling on the lip caused by too-strenuous kissing.
4. To what genus do cabbages, broccoli and cauliflowers belong? Einstein (And I must point out that you have a spelling error in your question.)
5. Which vegetables were the first to be canned? Asparagus.  It was done alphabetically.
6. Pepinex and Telegraph are varieties of what? A type of energizing medicine and a means for pachyderms to communicate over long distances.
7. What is a White Lisbon? A city in Portugal after a freak snowstorm.
8. What is calabrese? A slight California wind.
9. What was described as a cabbage with college education?  Those studying to take the bar exam are known as  slawstudents.
10. What is a Pentland Javelin? A new model of sportscar.


For Pensitivity’s Fibbing Friday