Tag Archives: silly answers

For Fibbing Friday, May 17, 2024

For Fibbing Friday the prompt questions are:

1. What did the fan say? Cool!

2. What really kicks off summer? Boot Camp.

3. Who rules the world? A Surveyor

4. What is the best thing to do to someone who snores? Get them their own room.

5. Who/what was your last unexpected house guest? Hurricane Sheila. Last house guest ever–expected or unexpected.

6. How does a blanket keep warm? It snuggles up to a warm body.

7. Why shouldn’t you snoop? Because ‘snot polite.

8. What is the worst thing that could happen to you? Nothing.

9. What do the gopher and mole do when they meet? Gopher supplies at the Mexican market and make molé.

10. What lurks in your backyard? Three dogs.

Bonus question
11. What is the best way to torture someone? Chuckle every time you see them.

For Fibbing Friday, May 10, 2024

For Fibbing Friday the theme is to define the below:

1.   Mini Clubman: A preteen golfer
2.   Morris Minor: A paraphrase of “More is less.”
3.   Range Rover: A mounted cowboy
4.   Hillman Imp: A mountain sprite
5.   Datsun Violet: What Violet’s husband said to her when she queried him regarding what the glare was as they took the bandages off after her surgery that gave her vision for the first time.
6.   Triumph Herald: A messenger carrying the news that there will be three umpires for the game.
7.   Austin Cambridge: A viaduct constructed from used tin automobile cams.
8.   Ford Capri : The tag of a Christmas present for Leonardo Decaprio that the dog got to first and chewed a corner off of.
9.   Alfa Romeo: Fifty percent of an entire Romeo.
10. Talbot Horizon: An illustration of a mountain created by Artificial Intelligence.

Baby Talk for Fibbing Friday for May 3, 2024

This week’s theme from Pensitivity is Out of the Mouths of Babes. You might be familiar with them, but if you didn’t know what they were, what are your thoughts?

1. What is a Moo Moo?  A greeting by Farmer Brown’s stuttering cow MayBell.
2. What is a Bow Wow? Robin Hood’s performance at the archery competition
3. What is a Gee Gee? Colette’s 1944 Novel, spelled by a non-French person.
4. What is a Botty Cough? The result of AI getting a cold. (That is as in Artificial Intelligence, not Jolson)
5. What is a Chookie Egg? Part of an Australian breakfast.
6. What is a Choo Choo?  A meal in the dining car of a train.
7. What is a Tick Tock? The language of a blood-sucking arachnid.
8. What is a Paw Paw? Your father’s hand.
9. What is a Heffalump?  A cow udder.
10. What are Jammies? Minor collections of broken up ice in a river.

For Fibbing Friday. Apr 26, 2024

For Fibbing Friday, today’s enticements are:

1. Who do you associate with ‘green fingers’? The Jolly Green Giant, of course.
2. Who or what was the Red Baron? The Scarlet Pimpernel’s exercise trapeze.
3. What was the significance of yellow ribbons around oak trees? So they could tell the girl trees from the boy trees when trimming out the hedgerows and thus guarantee the next year’s acorn harvesting.
4. Why did Alice follow the White Rabbit? Because she was next in line.
5. Who was The Black Knight?  Balthazar, earlier in his career.
6. What is a Blue Moon? A crude gesture by the guy who sat in the blueberry pie during the picnic.
7. Do brown cows produce coloured milk? Nope, but they are definitely British or Canadian.
8. Why was the Pink Panther pink? Embarrassment.
9. Why are pandas black and white? Mixed panda marriages.
10. What is a Silver Shadow? The effect of sunlight on one of grandma’s best forks borrowed by her grandkids and left sticking up vertically in the sand pile.

Silly Answers for Fibbing Friday, Apr 19, 2024

(A Hint)

Our words to “define” for this Friday Are:

1. Sardoodledom  Traditional time of leisure for the highest official during the Russian Empire.
2. Callithumpian  The brutal hazing of freshman students from California by ruffian seniors in Texas.
3. Turdiform  What Shitologists study
4. Persiflage The whipping of an intruder with one’s pocketbook
5. Palpebrous Easily pinched and fondled
6. Chary My favorite kind of pie
7. Malapert Herb’s mom
8. Dowsabel  The loud ringing of the bell in the stock exchange that signals a brilliant trade.
9. Maquillage The result of a fight between a big hamburger and a porcupine
10. Dysania An addiction to shooting craps


For Fibbing Friday, Apr 19, 2024

For Fibbing Friday, Apr 12, 2024

Image by Diana Polke on Unsplash.

For Fibbing Friday, this week, the prompts prodding us to give voice to untruths are:

1. Accismus: What always precedes a New year’s Eve by six days?
2. Apocryphal: Tarzan’s best friend and shoulder to cry on.
3. Bridewell:  Report on the bride’s condition the morning after her wedding. 
4. Festinate: The medical terminoligy for an inflated and infected wound.
5. Snool: What’s the other name for the Xmas season? 
6. Rendling: Changing the tragic conclusion of a book by popular demand.
7. Fanfaronade: Honorary title bestowed upon the winner of the people’s choice  award in  the international hand-squeezed lemonade competition. 
8. Bloviate: The cocaine Violet  put on her breakfast cereal after mistaking it for sugar.
9. Pudibund: The extra-large  cummerbund in every man’s closet that is a precautionary    necessity in the event that he overindulges in the Xmas pudding.
10. Rebarbative: The state of a rose bush when it is growing new thorns.

For Fibbing Friday: It’s (Not) the Truth!!!

For Fibbing Friday, the subject is “Truth,” but these are definitely not the true definitions of the provided words.

Groak: Comment by a frog with (ironically) a frog in its throat
Nefelibata: Cake mixture made by a recent addition to the cooking staff at the bakery.
Paranymph: Identical twin sisters with equally loose morals.
Flummery: Insincere flattery.
Sirenize: The part of a seductive woman located between the thigh and calf.
Carker: A dog who loves riding in automobiles.
Smatchet: The unsharp side of the axe used for smacking naughty kids.
Shivviness: An unordinary fondness for Chevrolets.
Sprauncy: What I said to Celia, my Australian friend,  when she asked me what that shrimp cocktail was.
Druxy: Beth and Jo’s pet name for Nancy Drew.

Sorry this is late! My sister just tipped me off that I’d forgotten to do it.  Done in 12 min. while waiting for company to arrive!!! Phew!!!! A new speed record.

For Fibbing Friday, Mar 29, 2024

For Fibbing Friday this week’s probing questions are:

This week we have questions that just popped into my head for your perusal please.

1.   Why are Easter Eggs made of chocolate? Because no one ever ate the original ones the Easter Bunny brought that were made out of carrots.
2.   What is a fib? A small protective garment created especially for prevaricators to wear around their necks in spaghetti restaurants.
3.   Where will you find a cog? Exactly where you dropped it.
4.   What is a preface? Your countenance before plastic surgery.
5.   Can an elephant make a trunk call? Not when they have a cold.
6.   What is a trinket? Just a tiny little sip in Germany. “Instead of a regular-sized trink, I’d prefer just a trinket.”
7.   What is hearsay? The opposite of what they are saying over there.
8.   How many shades of grey are there? None. They took down all the old shades and replaced them with new turquoise venetian blinds.
9.   What is a bunion? A bread roll flavored with fresh scallions.
10. What is ylang ylang? It is the Ying Yang of someone with a new tongue stud.

Fibbing Friday for Mar 22, 2024


For Fibbing Friday the prompts are:

1. Abomasum: An indigenous Australian mom’s expression of disapproval. 
2. Absquatulate:  Taking up arm and leg exercise at such an advanced age that it does no good.
3. Amphisbaena: Hispanic frogs.
4. Antimacassar: A Russian ruler opposed to talking birds. 
5. Atingle: That sensation felt after a kiss.
6. Bailiwick: If the candle gets out of hand, take the water bucket and douse it!
7. Bafflegab: Unintelligible gossip.
8.. Calliope:  What ye should do if Andy Griffith falls ill. 
9. Cornucopia: Having to put up with painful swellings on the toes and heels.
10. Cryptozoology : Exotic animals purchased with bitcoin.

For Fibbing Friday, Mar 15, 2024

Look closely. Yes, that is me with a python around my neck, circa 1973.
Alas, not in Africa as in question #3, but in Sri Lanka! That is not its head in my mouth,
but rather the snake-charmer’s musical pipe. The snake’s head is coiled around it,
its body hanging around my neck. Hard to see as we are dressed similarly.

For Fibbing Friday the challenges are:

1. What is a juggernaut?  Everything except a jugger.
2. What is an HGV?  An Home and Garden Magazine placed face-down on the table.
3. What is an off roader?  An African Snake.
4. What is a 4 X 4? A double double-date.
5. What is a turbine? A crossroads in a city area.
6. Where will you find an octave? In an aquarium. It is the anatomical spot where one arm meets another on an octopus. 
7. What is a dovetail joint? Well, obviously, it’s the spot where a dove’s tail joins with its body!!! Also, a place where doves hang out for a bit of refreshment after flying around all day.
8. What is a messerschmitt? Oh, it is one of the Schmitt boys confessing to the headmaster who is asking who drew the rude picture of the teacher on the blackboard. (Me, Sir–Schmitt!)
9. What is a tangerine? A Gerine that has been working out in the sun all summer. 
10. What is a mattock?  On a timekeeper’s watch, the sound that occurs right after a tick during a wrestling match as he times the seconds an opponent’s shoulders have been pinned to the mat.