Tag Archives: image of hibiscus

Hibiscus: FOTD, Jan 16, 2019


Spied this beauty on my way back from the plaza this afternoon. It must be a triple, or at the very least a double.



Up Close and Personal: Hibiscus, FOTD Nov 25, 2018


I’ve been zeroing in on this hibiscus since I got home 5 days ago.  This one is about as personal as I’m going to get! You can click on it to zero in a bit more.

For Cee’s FOTD

Hibiscus: Flower of the Day, Nov 15, 2018

Mexico Memories. Definitely not a shot taken in Missouri, because this is what it looks like here this morning:

For Cee’s FOTD


Hibiscus: FOTD, Oct 29, 2018


This shadow of a potential hibiscus flower now long dead creates the interest for me in this photo taken months ago in Mexico.

For Cee’s FOTD.

Newborn Hibiscus: Flower of the Day, Sep 17, 2018



Still not fully opened, I caught this hibiscus half-unfurled.

For Cee’s Flower of the Day prompt.