Tag Archives: My Vivid Blog

“Fancy Words” for My Vivid Blog

Fancy Words

Don’t we adore fancy words? Don’t we love to use them?
Still, it is annoying when some choose to abuse them.
When “geddouddahere” would do to tell pests when to go,
they use “begone!” to banish them in words more rococo.

Their need to parlay simple words, I fear I find most gruesome.
A tasty meal’s not good enough. They see repasts most toothsome.
While we argue, they asservateassiduously stating
things that all of the rest of us are fine with just debating.

They see themselves as bon vivants, most clever and most charming,
They complicate the simplest words at rates we find disarming.
A lady we call beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, cool,
they find pulchritudinous. Where did they go to school?

Piquant” they use religiously, though most of us denounce it.
Yes, we agree it’s pretty, but we just can’t pronounce it.
Slow music is andante, dark closets are aphotic.
As they rave on, each alloquy tends to get hypnotic.

What the rest of us get rid of, they alleviate.
They do not use contractions.  They don’t abbreviate.
They’re intent on gamboling while we’re just being silly.
They see the landscape undulating. We just find it hilly.

Forsooth, they have no wherewithal to get where they must go?
We’re all willing to chip in. We hope they don’t go slow!
They are extremely irritating, though they do not know it.
It’s not easy dealing with a friend who is a poet!!!

For My Vivid Blog: Words
Must confess that I wrote this poem 7 years ago, but it seemed appropriate, so….

Jumping on the Bandwagon Late!

Click on Photos to Enlarge


Fifty-six years of elephants in my life. The first photo—Tsavo Game Preserve in Kenya, Second—riding a timbering elephant in Sri Lanka. First it tried to pull down this tree. Next it went lumbering down the bank of the river to cool down in the water. An exciting ride.  Third—a crocheted mama and her baby created by a woman in my village in San Juan Cosala, Jalisco, Mexico. My life has tamed down a bit since those first two photos.

Just three months late, For CMMC: Word with E and A 
And for My Vivid Blog

Fire on the Mountain, (for My Vivid Blog prompt, “All”)

Fire on the Mountain

The smell of burning leaves us only when we sleep,
the hills above us aflame for weeks as the wind
catches the upraised hands of a dozen fires
and hurries them here and there.

It is like this every year
at the end of summer,
with the dry grass ignited by
light reflected by a piece of glass
or careless farmers burning off their fields.

The lushness of the rainy season
long since turned to fodder by the sun,
the fires burn for weeks along the ridges
and the hollows of the Sierra Madre—
raising her skirts from where we humans
puddle at her ankles.

Imprisoned in their separate worlds,
the village dogs bark
as though if freed
they’d catch the flames
or give chase at least.

The distracting smell of roasting meat
hints at some neighborhood barbecue,
but only afterwards do we find
the cow caught by her horns in the fence
and roasted live.

Still, that smell of roasting meat
pushes fingers through the smoke of coyote brush
and piñon pines and sage,

The new young gardener’s
ancient heap of rusting Honda
chugs up the hill like the rhythm section
of this neighborhood banda group
with its smoke machine gone crazy
and its light show far above.

The eerie woodwinds
of canine voices far below
circle like children
waiting for their birthday cake,
ringing ‘round the rosy,
ringing ‘round the rosy
as ashes, ashes,
it all falls down.

For My Vivid Blog, the prompt is “All.”

If I Were Marooned on An Island with Only Three Foods?

If I were marooned on an island with only three foods, what three foods would I choose?

Potatoes, Whole Milk, Oil.

What I could make from these three ingredients? Baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, French fries (alas, no ketchup), mashed potatoes with milk and butter, potato chips, scalloped potatoes, fried potatoes, VODKA!!!!!

What I’d miss most:  Salt (but I figure I could obtain it from seawater), green vegetables, (Surely there are some edible greens on the island? More likely than wild potatoes.) As for meat, there must be some game on the island and fish in the ocean or lake around it.

The Prompt for My Vivid Blog is Potatoes. Can’t resist that one!



Though I can’t say that I’ve been missing
hugs and cuddling and kissing,
still I have a memory of
those intimacies wrought by love.

It is as though there’s some obstruction
probably of my own construction
that makes me concentrate on things
instead of all that loving brings.

It’s true that objects may be lost,
but still, it’s not at half the cost.
For it is when loved ones are taken
that one’s world is truly shaken.

When objects break, it pains our purse,
but losing people is much worse.
For when death rends lovers apart,
the thing that’s broken is a heart

For My Vivi Blog’s prompt: Broken

Teenie Weenies: For MVB

For My Vivid Blog’s Prompt: Miniature