Tag Archives: photos of old friends

The Spontaneous Christmas

If you missed the beginning of the story of the year I decided not to celebrate Christmas, go HERE. The rest of the story won’t make much sense unless you read and view the first segment prior to returning here to see the end of the story. This was the Christmas I said I wasn’t going to celebrate. No decorations. No entertaining. No plans, short of dinner in a restaurant on Xmas day with Blue and friends. But, life has a way of happening when you don’t over-plan it, and these are photos taken during the wonderful few days leading up to and including Xmas Eve that happened on their own. Click on the first photo to see enlarged photos and captions. 


The prompt today was cherish.

How Now?

How Now?

I love this sequence of expressions as my long time friend Marti was relating a story to us. Since I’ve known her for 50 years–yikes!–I know these typical expressions. Only by taking almost constant photos was I able to capture them all. I enjoyed stretching this longtime friendship into the “now” during our 5 days together over Xmas.

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