Tag Archives: potatoes

If I Were Marooned on An Island with Only Three Foods?

If I were marooned on an island with only three foods, what three foods would I choose?

Potatoes, Whole Milk, Oil.

What I could make from these three ingredients? Baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, French fries (alas, no ketchup), mashed potatoes with milk and butter, potato chips, scalloped potatoes, fried potatoes, VODKA!!!!!

What I’d miss most:  Salt (but I figure I could obtain it from seawater), green vegetables, (Surely there are some edible greens on the island? More likely than wild potatoes.) As for meat, there must be some game on the island and fish in the ocean or lake around it.

The Prompt for My Vivid Blog is Potatoes. Can’t resist that one!

Weirdest Poem Ever

Suttee Reevaluated

Baked potato, sweet potato, makes me sigh.
Put butter in the schism and my oh my.
Sure to go right to your thigh,
but I don’t care. Do you know why?

Baked potatoes taste so good,
they soothe the pains of widowhood.
Place other pleasures on your lips.
Forget about your waist and hips.

Suttee is way overrated.
That fact cannot be debated.
So instead of jumping in,
go and raid the potato bin.

Toss taters on the red hot coals
and reassess your former goals.
Get a life. Take off the ring.
immolation’s not the thing.


Prompt words are sweet potato, schism, sure, immolate and good.