Arete (Fuchsia?) Flower: FOTD, Apr 24, 2020

For Cee’s FOTD


Yolanda calls this flower an arete..or earring flower, so if she is correct, it is a white fuchsia, which I’d never seen before Pasiano brought me this plant. We’ll see what happens when that little round ball opens up. She’s probably right .


11 thoughts on “Arete (Fuchsia?) Flower: FOTD, Apr 24, 2020

    1. lifelessons Post author

      I think you are right. It has only bloomed once before and I can’t remember if that little white ball turns into a red or a white “earring.” We’ll know tomorrow. Thanks for the scientific name. We used to call them bleeding hearts but I’d never seen a white one before I sent Pasiano to pick out two plants of his choice and he came home with this one. It never occurs to me to buy white flowers, but like this one.

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  1. Pingback: Earring Plant, Fuchsia: FOTD 5/4/2020 | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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