Tag Archives: Coronavirus Art Challenge

Lonely Artist Covid Art Challenge: Jean Mulleneaux (Artist # 3)


Jeannie did a great job of using all of the different objects presented to artists to use in the challenge. The mysterious rings that none of us knew the purpose for, bottle caps, wine corks, joker card, cardboard carton and buttons. If making this playful wall art collage didn’t cheer her up in her isolation, I don’t know what would. Hopefully, she’ll add some notes about her process in the comments.

(Click on photos below to enlarge)

To see the original challenge as well as links to the work of other artists who have sent in their photos of how they met the challenge, go HERE.   If you want to join in, you need not start with the objects we started with. Choose your own media. Want to bake a Lonely Artist Covid cake? Great. Write a poem? Paint a painting? Do a mural? Make an intriguing mask? Snap a photo? Do a video? Sing a song? Do a dance? All are welcome. Just link your contribution via a link to this blog or to the link to the original challenge above.


“Rosie, Queen of Corona” Candace Spence’s Contribution to the Lonely Artist Covid Challenge

The challenge to create an art piece about their Coronavirus experience went out to a number of artists. All of us who lived in the Lake Chapala area were given a box of ingredients to start us off. We could use as many of them as we wished and add whatever ingredients we wanted to. To see the original challenge and items each of us received for the Lonely Artist Covid Challenge, go HERE. If you want to joint in on the challenge, send links to your blog or photos of your project to this blog.

Click on the first photo and then the arrows to enlarge photos and read commentary.

To see Candace’s comments about her piece, go HERE. To see other contributions to this project go HERE. I’ll put links to all other contributions there as well, as they come in.

Chapala Diary, Page 1 (My Contribution to The Lonely Artist Covid Art Challenge.)

Friday, Aug. 7, 2020

At the beginning of the Coronavirus Sequestering period, I issued a challenge for people to create an art piece that chronicled their experiences during this time. Go HERE to see that challenge.The idea was that we all started out with the same materials, then added what we wished to to come up with an art piece that chronicled these first stages of our isolation. Four friends accepted the challenge, but I’ve only received photos of their work from two. I’m going to be blogging their photos over the next two days, and if anyone else has photos to submit, please do so now.  Below are the photos of my completed project. See if you can find the pieces in it that are some of the materials given to each artist.

(Please click on the first photo to enlarge it and read the story of my Covid Vacation. Clicking on the next arrow enlarges the next photo and gives more of the story.)

My photography session over,  we’ve all moved from the studio to the gazebo. I’m in the hammock and Diego is rolling around and growling on the grass. I’ve never been able to figure out what prompts this. Is it pure kidlike glee or a bee sting? If it is bee stings, he’s a slow learner because he’s been rolling in the grass and growling for years and yet he still tries to catch bees in his mouth every time they venture near, which is the second reason for the bees depicted in the Covid-19 memorial Retablo. Now it just needs a wooden frame and it is complete.

Tomorrow, a depiction of another piece from my Covid Challenge–that of my friend Candace’s piece. If anyone else accepted the challenge and has photos to send me, hurry hurry.  Go HERE to see Candace’s answer to the challenge and HERE to see Jean Mulleneaux’s contribution.