La Manzanilla, Feb 1 and 2, 2024

Click on photos to enlarge.

It has been a packed two days since we arrived in La Manzanilla  around 5 PM yesterday. Music at Cocuno Bar and Restaurant on the beach, a rodeo parade, then the next day the tiangus (weekly outdoor market), a ride to Chantli Mar up the coast, back to the Crocodile bar for music and breakfast, a visit to the Manzanilla Gallery where I was able to find the talavera pottery I didn’t find at the tianguis and also so see my own work they were displaying, then an art opening at Gallery 10 and dinner.  I saw dozens of people I hadn’t seen in a year. Tomorrow, more thrills.

Four Days in La Manzanilla

Click on photos to enlarge and read captions.

Rick’s Painted Posy

Rick and Christine have been painting over every door in the Puesta del Sol.  Here is a detail from one of my favorites: Flowers and Iguanas.  The central flower is probably about 8″ across.


Here is the entire door and window surround:


and a photo of the artist:



For Cee’s FOTD

What Was So Funny?

Our birding trip through the lagoons near La Manzanilla yielded more laughs than birds. For Rachel and Gloria, who had never made the trip before, the hour and a half long trip down the mangrove swamps yielded more surprises than I had counted on. Click on the below photos to read the story as well as the photos:


jdb photos, 2018.  To enlarge all photos, click on any one.


By putting so much beauty so far beyond our reach,
what truths of the universe might nature try to teach?
One story told by earth and sea, here within our clutch,
another told by what’s above, that only eyes can touch.


The prompt today is above.

Sunset, Feb 13, 2018

I said I wouldn’t, but I did. More sunsets. Plus a capture of a pleasant blog setup after the dinner guests have gone.  Nice to have some quiet time out on the deck with Annie. She didn’t cotton to it unless she was on my lap. Her first time out of the house since we got here. It was housecleaning/ sheet and towel washing day, so the porch was completely covered with washing in front. I thought it was good planning to have a dinner party because the housecleaner would have just been here, but forgot that linens would be hung out to dry. Oh well. Gave us privacy.

Click on photos to enlarge.