Tag Archives: Beach Poetry

Plagiarist, For the Sunday Whirl, Apr 21, 2024


I track my sleepy footprints down to the salty sea,
with only tide and sand to keep me company.

Now and then a wispy cloud silvers the rising moon,
breaking into filigree, then vanishing too soon.

A moonbeam cracks the tidal swell and draws a slender line,
whispering this story that now I claim as mine.

Huddling on the outskirts of wave and slivered light,
I nonetheless declare my self as part of this calm night.

Sly interloper that I am, still all I hear and see
opens up its arms and seems to welcome me.


For the Sunday Whirl the prompt words are: draw cracks sly sliver sleepy footprints stories moon outskirts wispy sky sea

Double Snap!

Double Snap!

“Clap hands,” they said, “Clap hands
to the music,” and we all obeyed
that 50’s and 60’s band
that we might have followed anywhere–
out the door and across the street into the ocean
like geriatric children following a Pied Piper.


As we had when the music was new,
we gyrated and sweated,
bumped hips, jitterbugged,
did swing and wild improvisation


at Palapa Joe’s.
Joe himself barefoot at the keyboard,

a bookend to Denise at the drums.
And we? We are as hot
as this February night.

“Oh to be young again” is not in anyone’s vocabulary,
for we are teenagers again below the Tropic of Cancer.
In the ocean or in front of it,
sipping the sunset from tiny cobalt glasses,


watching children move toy trucks down sandy roads
of their imagination

Version 2

and teenagers elfin in the surf.


The sun falling falling farther northwards every day
until that March day we waited for every year when it sank
directly behind the offshore island.

Snap. It is gone.
Double snap. So are we.


Here’s more of a photo story about Palapa Joe’s if you are interested:

The NaPoWriMo prompt was “double” and the WordPress prompt was “snap” so I combined them today…Here are links to those prompt sites in case you want to play along: