Tag Archives: green plants

City Farming: FOTD Sept. 9, 2023

Not quite sure what grain this is, but it looks like harvest time is a month or so off. Spotted yesterday, thriving in the street in Ajijic. The plant identifier says it is either sorghum or corn. Given its location in Mexico, I’d bet on corn, and that’s what both the leaves and the bloom look most like. Luckily, it isn’t growing on the parking side of the street, so looks like the drivers are respecting its claim on this small plot of the street. 

For Cee’s FOTD

Life Among the Ruins: FOTD, Apr 23, 2020

Click on photos to enlarge.

With so many animals, not to mention workmen, things are bound to get broken, but I’ve found that in Mexico, if you wait long enough, there is bound to be life among the ruins.



For Cee’s Flower of the Dayprompt.

Edible Arrangement: Flower of the Day, Oct 2, 2018


I loved this edible arrangement in the jardiniere outside the Northern Hotel in Billings. Did you know jardiniere can mean either the pot or a garnish of mixed vegetables? So this is a double jardiniere.

