Tag Archives: optimism

Gestalt and the New Year

Gestalt and the New Year

Sweep out twenty twenty-one with a mental broom.
Don’t let it be a harbinger of dissent and of doom.
Accept a new beginning. Set out looking for the light.
Don’t rate the whole dinner by your initial bite.

Life is a varied banquet of bitter, sweet and salt.
Those who succeed best at life fall in with its Gestalt.
We must season what is in our heads with what is in our hearts.
The whole of anything, it’s true, is greater than its parts.


Prompt words today are light, harbinger, beginning, dissent and dinner. The illustration was made using LunaPic. Start the year out right and try it out. It’s free!!! I like using the Art editor.

First Date Optimism

This week, the prompt words were doozies. It might help a bit to explain that the incredibly obscure word “demesne” (which is a piece of land one has sole title to) is pronounced to rhyme with “pain.” I’ll leave it up to you to determine the meaning of “whiffle” and “obfuscate” from the context in which they are used. Not my fault, folks. It was in the prompts!!!!!

First Date Optimism

You exaggerate the matter if you say I’m your demesne.
That untruthful statement is purely most insane.
What started out a whiffle, you’ve made into a gale
by weaving our first date into a fairytale.

But I must take exception to your bending of the truth.
You are not my Boaz and I am not your Ruth.
If you think I’ll marry you after our first date,
As I said in the beginning, I fear you obfuscate!!!


Prompt words for the day are obfuscate, except, whiffle, demesne . Image by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash.

Picking Your Pieces



Picking Your Pieces

Invest in possibilities and bifurcate your worries.

Soon enough these balmy days will change to winter’s flurries.
But why let future problems intercede today?
Best enjoy the present and put future woes away.

Being in a smaller pond makes you a bigger fish,
so whatever your situation, exercise your swish
and live your life with flair and joy. Wring all the zest from life.
It does no good to drown yourself in thoughts of gloom and strife.



Sometimes I find that in this life I get what I expect,
so when life hands you troubles, why don’t you just object
and turn those woes to prospects and insist on being chipper?
Why choose to be a pessimist when optimism’s hipper?

You might call me a dreamer, but that’s okay with me.

Why be imprisoned by your doubts when you could be free?
Life needn’t be a puzzle. It can be a quest.
Pick out the parts that you prefer and throw away the rest.





fish, bifurcate, invest and object.



Life is like a labyrinth. Things may be just fine,
yet we don’t know what awaits us farther down the line.

We can’t discern our futures, so we must enjoy today
so at least we’ll have a past to remember, come what may.

Changes of perspective are bound to come with time.
We may not have the passions that we had in our prime.

We are changeable creatures. So nature has intended.
If we hold onto earlier goals, our lives may get upended.

In times of adversity, we still possess rare treasures.
Our recollections are where we can hoard our former pleasures.


Prompt words for today are down the line, adversity, labyrinth, discern, change of perspective and creature.



It’s a classic beginning for another day.
I push the covers out of the way,
fumble to find my glasses and shoes,
open the curtains to drown out the blues.

I am a champion at choosing a mood.
I refuse to be grumpy. Choose not to brood.
I put on my attitude before my clothes,
donning my blessings instead of my woes.



Today’s word prompt are the blues, classic, fumble and champion.

Sun’s up, Cheer Up!


Sun’s up, Cheer Up!

Although the moon is obstinate, They’re waking up the sun.
It’s time to fold your dreams away, to shake out the day’s fun.
When adventure’s inconspicuous, still you can try to find it.
Time is always ticking but you can’t forget to wind it.
Knit your future to your dreams and life will be your plum.
When life can be so wonderful, why spend it being glum?


Prompt words for today are wake, inconspicuous, knit, obstinate and up.

That Brilliance

That Brilliance

It echoes through the atmosphere,
slipping through shadows
that too often hoard our attention—
the shine of a heart amidst pain,
that pinprick of light
through a chink in the mortar of a brick wall,
that smile in passing,
that squeeze obscured in a handshake.

There is much light in this world,
but sometimes it lies shattered,
at other times is one sure beam that lights up the day—
that one brilliant sword of light
slashing gray clouds.

We are not always aided in our seeking,
yet must be vigilant in our search,
shifting our glance again and again
to where it lies scattered
through the murkiest days.
