Tag Archives: spanish dancer hibiscus

Hibiscus: FOTD Oct 7, 2019


One to six of these newly bloomed ladies greet me every day as I leave my kitchen door on the way to the garage. Who needs a florist?

For Cee’s FOTD

Hibiscus: Flower of the Day, Apr 24, 2019

IMG_1559This little hibiscus bush right next to my kitchen door is very faithful in providing a bloom at a time. Nice to be greeted to this surprise most days when I go out to feed the cats. It is a Spanish Dancer. Love the bloom and love the name.

For Cee’s FOTD

Hibiscus Chain

Just pulling one branch over so I could capture more blooms at a time created this seeming hibiscus lei.  Seven bloomed at one time. Riches.


For Cee’s Flower Prompt.

Hibiscus: Dancing With the Stars

When eight of these Spanish Dancer hibiscus blooms showed up in full regalia on the same day, it was hard to pick a winner.  You’ll see more of their sisters on another day.  Don’t want to slight any of them. Click on any flower to see larger views of them all.


For Cee’s Flower Prompt.

Pistil Packin’ Mama––Hibiscus: Flower of the Day, June 23, 2017

The stamens and pistils of the hibiscus are a little flower all their own..or a surreal little tree growing up out of the middle. I had some fun fiddling with the brightness and color balance. Which do you prefer?

For Cee’s Flower Prompt.

Whatta Hibiscus! Flower of the Day, June 22, 2017


This one was huge.  It waited for me a few mornings ago, fully opened and perfect. Ah, nature.

See Cee’s flower HERE.

More Hibiscus! Flower of the Day, Dec 13, 2016


I just can’t resist more photos of this Spanish Dancer Hibiscus.  New girl in town every morning! Click to enlarge.
