Tag Archives: images of cosmos flowers

In the Draw (Cosmos): Flower of the Day, Sept 25, 2017


At this time of the year, these golden cosmos fill the ditches, hillsides and draws near my house in a wild tangle.

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For Cee’s Flower Prompt.

Cosmos: Flower of the Day, Sept 16, 2017

In September and October, the fields on the way to the mountain town of Tapalpa, a few hours from my home,  fill with millions of flowers, including acres and acres of cosmos.  These photos were taken ten years ago and Oscar, the little boy in this photo, is now 12 years old. Perhaps it is time to take his little sister up into the fields this year!


Cee’s posting of her cosmos flowers today prompted me to echo her post.

For Cee’s Flower Prompt. 

Cosmos: Cee’s Flower of the Day, Sept. 16, 2016


Not the same flower as a few days ago, but possibly the same wasp.

Don’t miss this flower on Cee’s blog:  Beautiful and Weird!

Cosmos and Will o’ the Wasp: Flower of the Day, Sept 10, 2016

I couldn’t decide which of these two very similar shots I liked best, so I’m posting both of them. If you have a favorite, let me know.

img_5281img_5280I photographed these Cosmos along the walkway to the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. A man asked me to identify several of the flowers and said he, too, had photographed them. I asked if the museum was interesting and he said, “About as interesting as watching paint dry!” He turned around and walked back toward the museum with me, but I veered off to take photos of a little boy flying a kite he’d made in a kite making workshop in the museum. Wish I’d been there for that!! In the end, I left without going into the museum. I decided with so little time left here that I’d rather drive along the bay and then go back to my motel and sit by the water in an Adirondack chair to write my blog.

For more photos, look here: https://ceenphotography.com/2016/09/09/flower-of-the-day-dahlia-11/

Cosmos Pastoral: Flower of the Day, June 20, 2016



I’ve been doing so many closeups of flowers that it occurred to me that flowers can be as beautiful en masse as singly and close up, so for the next few days I want to show some of the acres of wildflowers that grow up in the mountains during September and October.



Oscar and Carmen Play with Flowers (Cee’s Flower of the Day Challenge)

Oscar and Carmen Play with Flowers

I think there were twelve of us in my full-sized van that day, off to see the wildflowers and rocks of Tapalpa.  This series of pictures is all about Carmen and Oscar. Oscar is the little boy you saw diligently doing his English homework at my dining room table a few days ago.  He is now nine.  In these pictures he is two.  Carmen is his sister and stylist.


Oscar was pretty happy with his handful of pristine white flowers


But Carmen had a better idea.


She looked beautiful in her  cosmos garland, in spite of the sun in her eyes that gave her a wistful look.


But she had further plans.


And I’m not too sure how Oscar feels about his sister’s attempt to spruce up his look, but I thought he looked adorable!

For more gorgeous flowers, go HERE.