Tag Archives: hummingbird

Aloe Vera with Hummingbird: FOTD Jan 10

Aloe Bloom with Diner

i took dozens of blurry photos before this tiny hummingbird decided to just sit down to dine.  This aloe vera on the patio outside the room where my desk is has afforded me so many wonderful views of hummingbirds. Better than having an inside bouquet any day.

For Cee’s FOTD

Tabachine with Hummingbird: FOTD May 9, 2020

Click on photos to enlarge. A video of the hummingbird is at the end. Unfortunately, by the time I thought to take a video, it was his last run and I didn’t really capture the butterfly.


Yesterday I watched a hummingbird sitting on a branch of the pistachio tree and guarding this tabachine. First a monarch butterfly and then a large black swallowtail butterfly repeatedly tried to sip nectar from blossoms on this tree and every time, the hummingbird swooped down and attacked them and drove them away. This went on hundreds of times over an hour period. I never saw the hummingbird feeding at the bush. I inspected it closely and there was no nest in either the tabachine or the pistachio. He was just being mean! After an hour, when the butterflies finally gave up, the hummingbird finally flew away as well. I have never seen a hummingbird stay still without feeding for that long. In between chasings, he sat still on that branch for at least an hour. Here are photos I took of the pistachio and the tabachine. And that nasty hummer.

Be sure to click on photos to enlarge your view. The third photo shows the distance between the tabachine in the foreground and the pistachio tree with the hammock I was observing from behind it. They weren’t really in close proximity


And here is the little hummer. I put out a feeder for him today. Hopefully he’ll now leave the butterflies alone.




For Cee’s FOTD
and, for Sunday Trees.

Cancelled Flight

Cancelled Flight

No architect of reason can save them from their plight.
No proffered catnip ransom restore their former flight.
When lethal paws unsheath their daggers, hummingbird and finch—
Their wings, stilled from their flight, lie scattered on the bench.



Prompt words today are architect, can, ransom, plight and paws.

Cruel Tranquility



Cruel Tranquility

Welp, I would not have chosen this ending to the story.
It is a sad conclusion—distressing, sad and gory.
The hummingbird, suspended in its helicopter flight,
was brought down from the air with one swift lethal bite.
It was my adorable kitten who stopped its blur of wings.
Tired of scratching posts and batting balls and chasing strings,
she chose a task more difficult—a target ever-moving,
an irresistible challenge but one hardly behooving
a tiny kitten noted for its playfulness and cuteness.
I fear I underestimated her extreme astuteness.
Now she rests in sunlight. Her quarry, limp and torn,
here upon my doormat, I survey, forlorn
over loss of this small creature—its sheer poetry of motion—
as well as this reminder that in garden, air or ocean,
one thing feeds upon another in a constant mortal chain
incredible in beauty, indivisible from pain,
even in a garden where I sought for peace to reign.


Prompt words for the day are flight, forlorn, adorable and welp. 





Click on any image to enlarge all.

These photos were, alas, taken with my phone, and so the resolution isn’t very good.  I was parked waiting for a friend and this little guy just happened to fly up to the hibiscus bush right beside my driver’s side window, so I had to snap these.  Lucky in the pose, unlucky with the camera available.  My new camera is on its way!!!