Tag Archives: men in trees

Men in Trees

Men in Trees

If you took an expedition to my favorite tree,
you’d find it’s convoluted as a tree can be.
It’s encrusted with lichen, but I’ve found that for a fee
an ornamental arborist can scrape it lichen-free.
They’ll do artful jobs of trimming off the deadwood if they’re hired
   by removing extra branches that look too dried-out and tired.

And if those earmarked branches contain nests of birds, perchance,
I’ve heard the trimmers merely move them to another branch.
In defense of ecology, no single squirrel has died
in this trimming of the branches, for they are safe inside,
nestled most securely with their babies and their kin,
thankful for the tree hollows that they take shelter in.

Prompt words today are lichen, convoluted, expedition, defense, and tired.

The Tree Trimmers

The men of the Chapala Tree Service are amazing in their athletic ability, skill and precision. They were here for 7 1/2 hours today, during which time they trimmed, literally, a dump truck full of fruiting stems, dry branches and other basura from my six very tall palm trees and left not a bit of tree trash behind. They even cleaned off the surface of the pool. I have only admiration for them. Here are the before, during and after shots:

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

Here are the before and after shots:


Men in Trees: Sunday Trees June 3, 2018

Enlarge photos by clicking on any one.

For a few weeks last month, it seems like I was always looking up to see a man in one of my trees.  They were like tamed teams of monkeys: trimming my palm trees, cutting back the huamuchile tree in my vacant lot, or men from the electric company trimming my giant royal poinciana from where it had grown around electrical wires.


For Sunday Trees 342